Renaissance choral group, Seattle-based Byrd International Singers visit the National Library

Renaissance choral group, Seattle-based Byrd International Singers visit the National Library to view a 16-century choral text before performing at the Fringe in 2019. The ‘Scone Antiphoner’, also called The Carver Choir-book – which belonged to Robert Carver, a canon of Scone Abbey – is one of very few pre-Reformation church choir-books to have survived. Photo: Neil Hanna

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Renaissance choral group, Seattle-based Byrd International Singers visit the National Library to view a 16-century choral text before performing at the Fringe in 2019. The ‘Scone Antiphoner’, also called The Carver Choir-book – which belonged to Robert Carver, a canon of Scone Abbey – is one of very